Kotti CMS

Kotti is a light-weight, user-friendly and extensible web content management system. It is licensed under a BSD-like license


  • User-friendly: a simple edit interface hides advanced functionality from less experienced users
  • WYSIWYG editor: includes a rich text editor that lets you edit content like in office applications
  • Security: advanced user, groups and user roles management; uses access control lists (ACL) to control access to different parts of the site
  • Templating: extend Kotti with your own look & feel with very little programming required
  • Customizable: Many aspects of Kotti are configured through a simple INI file
  • Add-ons: a plug-in system allows third party software to greatly extend Kotti
  • Pluggable authentication: allows authentication of users through LDAP or other existing user databases
  • Open: built on top of well-documented, open source components, such as Python, Pyramid and SQLAlchemy
  • Tested: an automated test coverage of 100% guarantees Kotti’s stability

Try it out

You can try out Kotti on Kotti’s demo site.

Under the hood

Kotti is written in Python and builds upon on the two excellent libraries Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. Kotti tries to leverage these libraries as much as possible, thus:

  • minimizing the amount of code and extra concepts, and
  • allowing users familiar with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy to feel right at home since Kotti’s API is mostly that of Pyramid and SQLAlchemy.



Installation using virtualenv

It’s recommended to install Kotti inside a virtualenv:

virtualenv mysite --no-site-packages
cd mysite
bin/pip install Kotti

Kotti uses Paste Deploy for configuration and deployment. An example configuration file is included with Kotti’s source distribution:

wget https://github.com/dnouri/Kotti/raw/master/development.ini

Finally, to run the application:

bin/paster serve development.ini

An example configuration file for Buildout also exists.

Configuration and customization

INI File

Kotti is configured using an INI configuration file. The installation section explains how to get hold of a sample configuration file. The [app:Kotti] section in it might look like this:

use = egg:Kotti
default_locale_name = en
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/Kotti.db
mail.default_sender = yourname@yourhost
kotti.site_title = My Site
kotti.secret = changethis1
kotti.secret2 = changethis2

Various aspects of your site can be changed right here.

Overview of settings

This table provides an overview of available settings. All these settings must go into the [app:Kotti] section of your Paste Deploy configuration file.

Setting Description
kotti.site_title The title of your site
kotti.secret Secret key used for encryption
kotti.secret2 Another secret key for encryption
sqlalchemy.url SQLAlchemy database URL
mail.default_sender Sender address for outgoing email
mail.host Email host to send from
kotti.includes List of Python configuration hooks
kotti.available_types List of active content types
kotti.base_includes List of base Python configuration hooks
kotti.configurators List of advanced functions for config
kotti.populators List of functions to fill initial database
kotti.templates.master_view Master template used for public views
kotti.templates.master_edit Master template used for edit screens
kotti.templates.snippets Override <head> and other common elements
kotti.templates.view_css CSS file used for public views
kotti.templates.edit_css CSS file used for edit screens
kotti.templates.base_css Base CSS file; used for both
kotti.authn_policy_factory Component used for authentication
kotti.authz_policy_factory Component used for authorization
kotti.session_factory Component used for sessions
kotti.date_format Date format to use, default: medium
kotti.datetime_format Datetime format to use, default: medium
kotti.time_format Time format to use, default: medium

Only the settings in bold letters required. The rest has defaults.

Adjusting the look & feel

The kotti.templates.* configuration settings allow you to define alternative template and CSS files to be used. An example that overrides botht the master template for all public views and configures an alternative CSS file for the edit interface:

kotti.templates.master_view = mypackage:templates/master.pt
kotti.templates.edit_css = mypackage:static/edit.css

Using add-ons

Add-ons will usually include in their installation instructions which settings one should modify to activate them. Configuration settings that are used to activate add-ons are:

  • kotti.includes
  • kotti.available_types
  • kotti.base_includes
  • kotti.configurators


kotti.includes defines a list of hooks that will be called by Kotti when it starts up. This gives the opportunity to third party packages to add registrations to the Pyramid Configurator API in order to configure views and more.

As an example, we’ll add the kotti_twitter extension to add a Twitter profile widget to the right column of all pages. First we install the package from PyPI:

bin/pip install kotti_twitter

Then we activate the add-on in our site by editing the kotti.includes setting in the [app:Kotti] section of our INI file. (If a line with kotti.includes does not exist, add it.)

kotti.includes = kotti_twitter.include_profile_widget

kotti_twitter also asks us to configure the Twitter widget itself, so we add some more lines right where we were:

kotti_twitter.profile_widget.user = dnouri
kotti_twitter.profile_widget.loop = true

The order in which the includes are listed matters. When you add two slots on the right hand side, the order in which you list them here will control the order in which they will appear.

With this configuration, the search widget is displayed on top of the profile widget:

kotti.includes =


The kotti.available_types setting defines the list of content types available. The default configuration here is:

kotti.available_types = kotti.resources.Document

An example that adds two content types:

kotti.available_types =

Configuring authentication and authorization

You can override the authentication and authorization policy that Kotti uses. By default, Kotti uses these factories:

kotti.authn_policy_factory = kotti.authtkt_factory
kotti.authz_policy_factory = kotti.acl_factory

These settings correspond to pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy and pyramid.authorization.ACLAuthorizationPolicy being used.


The kotti.session_factory configuration variable allows the overriding of the default session factory, which is pyramid.session.UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig.

Writing add-ons

Content types

Defining your own content types is easy. The implementation of the Document content type serves as an example here:

class Document(Node):
    type_info = Node.type_info.copy(

    def __init__(self, body=u"", mime_type='text/html', **kwargs):
        super(Document, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.body = body
        self.mime_type = mime_type

documents = Table('documents', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('nodes.id'), primary_key=True),
    Column('body', UnicodeText()),
    Column('mime_type', String(30)),

mapper(Document, documents, inherits=Node, polymorphic_identity='document')

You can configure the list of active content types in Kotti by modifying the kotti.available_types setting.

Configuring custom views, subscribers and more

kotti.includes allows you to hook includeme functions that configure your custom views, subscribers and more. An includeme function takes the Pyramid Configurator API object as its sole argument. An example:

def my_view(request):
    from pyramid.response import Response
    return Response('OK')

def includeme(config):

By adding the dotted name string of your includeme function to the kotti.includes setting, you ask Kotti to call it on application start-up. An example:

kotti.includes = mypackage.views.includeme




Requiring users of your package to set all the configuration settings by hand in the Paste Deploy INI file is not ideal. That’s why Kotti includes a configuration variable through which extending packages can set all other INI settings through Python. Here’s an example of a function that programmatically modified kotti.base_includes and kotti_principals which would otherwise be configured by hand in the INI file:

# in mypackage/__init__.py
def kotti_configure(config):
    config['kotti.base_includes'] += ' mypackage.views'
    config['kotti.principals'] = 'mypackage.security.principals'

And this is how your users would hook it up in their INI file:

kotti.configurators = mypackage.kotti_configure


Kotti builds mostly on Pyramid’s security API and uses its inherited access control lists support. On top of that, Kotti defines roles and groups support: Users may be collected in groups, and groups may be given roles that define permissions.

The site root’s ACL defines the default mapping of roles to their permissions:

root.__acl__ == [
    ['Allow', 'system.Everyone', ['view']],
    ['Allow', 'role:viewer', ['view']],
    ['Allow', 'role:editor', ['view', 'add', 'edit']],
    ['Allow', 'role:owner', ['view', 'add', 'edit', 'manage']],

Every Node object has an __acl__ attribute, allowing the definition of localized row-level security.

The kotti.security.set_groups() function allows assigning roles and groups to users in a given context. kotti.security.list_groups() allows one to list the groups of a given user. You may also set the list of groups globally on principal objects, which are of type kotti.security.Principal.

Kotti delegates adding, deleting and search of user objects to an interface it calls kotti.security.AbstractPrincipals. You can configure Kotti to use a different Principals implementation by pointing the kotti.principals_factory configuration setting to a different factory. The default setting here is:

kotti.principals_factory = kotti.security.principals_factory

Contact us

Kotti itself is developed on Github. The issue tracker also lives there.

Have a question or a suggestion? Write to Kotti’s mailing list or find us on IRC on irc.freenode.net in channel #kotti.


To run Kotti’s automated test suite, do:

bin/python setup.py nosetests